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Hinke talks about the Gaucho DerbyMar 30, 2022 Rider Hinke van der Werf just got back from her adventure in Patagonia and is...
Hinke talks about the Gaucho Derby - Seducci
Tech - Life was better back in the dayFeb 03, 2022 BUT WAS IT THOUGH? DEVELOPMENT OF ARTIFICIAL FIBERS AND FABRICS Most of us probably know...
Tech - Life was better back in the day - Seducci
1000 Km through MongoliaAug 31, 2021 THE MONGOL DERBY The ultimate horse riding adventure. In the footsteps of Genghis Khan's postal...
1000 Km through Mongolia - Seducci
Nant BatenNov 02, 2020 OUR LONG DISTANCE TESTER Nant Baten is an Endurance rider competing on an international level....
Nant Baten - Seducci
Linda van GorkumFeb 09, 2020 A TOUGH COOKIE Linda is one of the Mongol Derby finishers of the 2019 edition....
Linda van Gorkum - Seducci
Jack AnsemsNov 06, 2019 SEDUCCI IN SHOW JUMPING WITH JACK ANSEMS We welcome Jack to the Seducci Rider family....
Jack Ansems - Seducci
Hinke van der WerfNov 05, 2019 LOOKING FOR LIFE ADVENTURES Hinke is not afraid of taking on a challenge. Looking for...
Hinke van der Werf - Seducci
Margreet VoermansFeb 08, 2019 NO POLO THIS TIME Margreet operates on horses and camels during the day and rides...
Margreet Voermans - Seducci